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High Resolution Portraits


Samir Biscevic was born on April 25, 1963, in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina. He spent four years at the Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts where he majored in painting and worked under professors Nusret Pasic and Miroslav Percinlic.
Life, destruction and the tension between them preoccupied Samir in his recent paintings.

However, the spontaneous feelings aroused from the experiences of war steered him through a series of conscious and subconscious decisions in response to both violent external and turbulent internal stimuli. His expressionist style is deeply rooted in the tragedy brought on by the war in Bosnia. The collapse of existing values filled Samir with the desire to express visually the existential conflict of man. His art enables us to understand the conflict and bravery of one man’s through acts of love, tragedy and survival.

His connotations are multiplied and enriched by means of his technical skill. Samir typically applies paint rapidly in an effort to show feeling and emotion. He paints gesturally, applying paint with brushes, and sometimes dripping or even throwing it onto the canvas. He uses brushes with blissful energy building up multilayered and multicromatic bold mixed medium color paintings. While his work may look like an accident, it actually demonstrates the spontaneous creative release of his subconscious. His finished paintings are a piece of life with very personal and subjective meanings.

Centered in his Chicago studio, Samir maintains an energetic arrangement of color spontaneously on the canvas. He demonstrates dynamic subjectivity and creativity in his work. His feelings, shaped by war, are expressed positively against the backdrop of destruction, brutality and darkness. Samir’s expressionistic and emotional paintings are a testament to the destruction and terror that war can bring.

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